Established in 1998 by the YWCA of Kuala Lumpur, the VTOC aims to provide vocational skills training for young women and girls from the economically disadvantaged sectors of our community, irrespective of ethnicity, religion, social and cultural differences.
The VTOC is inspired and guided by the following objectives:
Vocational training, the program being designed for young women and girls from the economically disadvantaged sector drawn from all races, religions, social and cultural communities in Malaysia both in Peninsular and East Malaysia.
Development training such that will lead to more advanced courses and apprenticeship prospects.
Entrepreneurial training enabling the more enterprising trainees to become self-supporting and thus initiating small scale income generating business.
Rescuing trainees hitherto trapped in perpetuity in the unskilled labor sector, providing a transition to skilled occupation in commerce, manufacturing and industry.
Instilling a strong sense of self-reliance, encouraging the strenuous efforts needed to be self-supporting and promoting the development of their entrepreneurial talents.
Ensuring a strong awareness component, which will motivate our trainees towards worthwhile pursuits as well as instilling self-worth, self-esteem dignity and leadership skills.